From Around the Web: Under Used Google Products, Facebook’s New Metric and more

Facebook Conversion Metric

Finally, Facebook will allow you to specifically track conversions on your website from Facebook ads. Direct Marketers (like Ignite Digital) are jumping for joy now. Google Adwords (through Analytics) has had the ability to track conversions for some time now. It was only a matter of time before Facebook was going to launch a similar metric.

They are calling this feature “OCPM”. Facebook has stated and I quote:

Marketers can now also use optimized CPM (OCPM) to deliver ads to people who are most likely to convert on their websites. Beta tests have shown that when conversion measurement is used with optimized CPM, ads reduced the cost per conversion by 40 percent when compared to CPC ads using the same budget.

At Ignite Digital we are able to decrease CPC by 18% and increase Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) by 22% (more on that at SEM page). Knowing that we can decrease Facebook ad spend further and provide more savings to our clients really interests us. You can read Facebook’s full by clicking here.

Also, another great article pertaining to Social Media. It turns out that a recent study shows Facebook Leads to 24% Sales boost. Great read.

Leverage Google – Recipes, Products and increase Sales – not SEO related

Google has a VAST amount of tools most websites aren’t using. The really sad part is, most of these tools are super easy to integrate into your website.

  1. Google Author – if you run a blog. Get Google Author now, it makes posts on Google look professional (higher CTR%), gives you an extra SEO kick to your site and increases your author rank (increases your personal presence)
  2. Google Products – If you are a retailer or an eCommerce site. You need to get your products on Google Product search. Google essentially promotes your products on Google search results. Increasing sales, while you sit back and relax. (Merchant link)
  3. Google News – If you are serious about Content Marketing. Then you will fit Google’s News submission guidelines. We stumbled across this by accident. Google was sending us a lot of traffic from Google Finance and other Google related sites. We started digging around and noticed that it all comes from one source ‘Google News’. If you don’t get organically indexed through it. You can easily submit your site by using this link.
  4. Google Recipes – I love recipes. I can’t cook to save my life, but I love the traffic recipes generates. Many Recipe sites produce them but forget to syndicate there valuable content. Google Recipe integrates YOUR recipes into Google search results. You just need to add a simple rich snippet.

We have plenty of more secrets on Google that hardly anyone else is using. But we will save that for another day!

Panda Update Version #24

Google pushed out a brand new panda update this week. It effected 1.2% of English queries. Not much of a major change and all Ignite Digital websites under management actually saw a nice boost in traffic the last 2 weeks. To learn more about

Tablet Users Love to shop

Mark Walsh wrote a fantastic piece on a study done by Adobe Systems. 55% of tablet users were using there tablet device to make an online purchase – smartphone users were less likely to purchase with 28% of them willing to make an online purchase. Mark mentions the size of the screen as playing a factor in there decision to shop through tablets, I’d agree but I’d also add in larger screen, easy of use, and easier functionality retailers can integrate to increase the UX (user experience). Read more of the study.


Matthew Goulart

|3 minutes read

Matthew Goulart is the founder of Ignite Digital, a Canadian digital marketing agency. Through Ignite Digital, Goulart works with Fortune 500 companies and advertising agencies from around the world and has helped launch profitable and highly successful digital marketing initiatives for his clients.