Every company, no matter what product or service you offer to your clients and customers, must deal with a huge amount of data on a regular basis. There are financial statements from the accounting department, customer service surveys, marketing research, product research, and internal memos, just to name a few. The larger and more diverse a company is, the more forms of data that have to deal with – and the more crucial it becomes for that data to be translated into a form that everyone in the company can understand. For example, while an engineer may easily be able to grasp a dense technical report and pick out the most relevant information easily, someone who specializes in marketing may be lost when confronting exactly the same document and raw data.
This is where enterprise reporting comes in. Enterprise reports come in many forms, but their goal is always the same: to take the data, especially data generated by a highly specialized group of experts on a specific topic, and translate that information into a form that anyone in the company, from a customer service rep to a CEO, as well as other people invested in the company, such as shareholders, board members and even customers, can easily read, comprehend and digest. No matter how useful a piece of information is, if it is buried under specialized language or simply delivered in a highly technical form that only an expect can understand, then it is only going to be so useful. Enterprise reports take that data and present it in a readable, digest able fashion to that everyone in your company is able to make good use of the valuable information your company generates.
Types of Enterprise Reports
Enterprise reports come in may forms. Here are a few of the most common:
- Financial reports
These can be in the form of ledger reports, time and cost reports, practice management reports, accounts payable reports and working timekeeper reports. Essentially, these are all reports that make sense of way that money moves around within a company, and give a sense of what the major profits and expenditures of that company are. It is crucial that these reports be extremely readable, as a lot of infinitely important information can become buried in the jargon of accounting, and laying it out clearly can help guide a company towards wasting less and profiting more. - Case management reports
These reports include case studies, events reports, and monthly reports. These reports all analyze specific happenings and incidents that are relevant to the company, and highlight what the company can learn moving forward. - Related party reports
These are all the reports that look at information that is relevant to a company but do not originate from the company itself, such as reports on customer interaction/satisfaction and an analysis of competitors or affiliated companies’ successes and setbacks. - Custom reports.
This catch-all category refers to all of the other reports that a company may need to make during the course of their operations.
The Benefits of Enterprise Reporting
Enterprise reporting has many crucial benefits, both tangible and intangible. A few of they key benefits of enterprise reporting are:
- Keeping the various parts of your company in communication with each other
When financial can understand what engineering is doing and vice-versa, it is easier for everyone to be on the same page and to appreciate each other’s work. - Better informed employees, right from the CEO to customer service representatives
If all your companies materials are accessible and readable to anyone in any position, then everyone will be better informed, not only about the inner workings of the company but also the larger brand identity. - Crucial information is put to good use
If a piece of research or a marketing study contains a critical discovery, it won’t do any good if no one is able to recognize it or find it. A good enterprise report will be able to sift through all the information and bring the most important things to the fore, highlighting these crucial discoveries and enabling your company to put them to good use faster.
In short, investing in high-quality, well-written, highly readable and engaging enterprise reports, written by an excellent content provider, is always worthwhile.