Your website it the heart of your company’s online presence. It is the hub from which you run all of your marketing campaigns, the home for all of your online content, and centre to which all of your company’s online traffic should be directed towards. It is the first place that your target audience will go to research your brand and products, and it the primary way that your customers will try to get in touch which you. It goes without saying that having a functional, well-designed, thoughtfully laid out, easy to navigate and informative website is absolutely crucial.
When it comes to setting up your presence online, WordPress is an ideal platform to start from. It is a flexible and powerful web publishing tool that is made even better by the infinite number of ways that you can customize it to suit your needs, from templates to plugins. Here are just a few of the reasons that you should consider WordPress to power your website.
The Potential for a Beautiful Design
WordPress is designed to handle a huge amount of customization when it comes to the way your website looks. While it comes pre-loaded with many starter templates, and even more premium templates are available for purchase, WordPress also makes it incredibly easy to upload your own custom designs. By encouraging designers and developers to get creative with their platform, WordPress has allowed for some truly beautiful corporate designs to take shape.
Easy To Update
If you have already tackled the challenge of creating engaging, effective content for your website, you don’t want to get bogged down in what should be the easiest part of the process: getting it up on your site. Publishing with WordPress is a breeze. While the content creation tool is as easy to use as any email client, and yet is also comes with many extremely useful tools so that your content can be formatted exactly as you want it to appear. Having a publishing platform that you can update easily is especially useful if you are employing an aggressive content marketing strategy that calls for your site to be frequently updated with new, dynamic material.
There are almost 20,000 plugins available through the WordPress plugin directory, most developed my external coders and independent company who wanted to add additional functionality to this publishing platform’s impressive structure. Plugins are a vital part of getting the most out of using WordPress, and can help with everything from publishing content and SEO to managing comment spam and monitoring shares on social media networks. Researching the best plugins to suit your needs is a great way ensure that you are using WordPress to its maximum potential.
SEO Capabilities
Right from the start, without any additional tools added, WordPress is designed to help you with Search Engine Optimization. By tagging and titling your posts with the keywords you want associated with your brand, you will already be directing traffic towards your website and ensuring a boost in your search results. WordPress also boasts some incredible SEO plugins, and once you have these installed and functioning properly, your traffic is sure to surge even more.